Executive Chef, Urban Wren

Greenville, SC

Participating In: Speak-easy To MeNorth Meets South

I was born in an adventurous city called Jersey City. November 7th 1993. I graduated from James J Ferris High School in May 2012. I studied, cooked, and traveled throughout Southeast Asia and learned from their culture. Came back home and started cooking at Sakamai. Became a Sous Chef for Wurst Bar. I then trained under Chef Jo at Ssambar, which lead me to moving to South Carolina with my wife and becoming the Chef De Cuisine for The Bellwether. I work hard and lead by example for my team. Consistency is key so I strive everyday to make that my main focus. Working in the kitchen allowed me to put my head down, stay focused, and it ultimately saved my life. It was my escape from reality until it became my life long career. I feel suited for my role because of my passion and relentless determination to get the job done. It doesn’t matter how long it takes or how many resources I have to accomplish my goals, I stay focused until I get it done. My wife and I met six years ago, working together at a restaurant. She later became my Head Chef and I was her Sous Chef. We overcame a lot of adversity working together in this industry. She has stood by me every step of the way. We love going to winery’s, playing board games, and cooking out at home.